YOUCAT Love forever
With a foreword by Pope Francis
"YOUCAT Love Forever" is an essential read for anyone who wants to take the plunge into marriage. Starting with the first confession of affection, 'I love you', to the lifelong promise to love, respect, and cherish each other, “YOUCAT Love Forever” accompanies readers on their journey to marriage. Developed by a YOUCAT team of married couples, priests, and theologians, and with a foreword by Pope Francis, this book offers profound insights and practical guidance on the path to lasting love.
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"YOUCAT Love Forever" is an essential read for anyone who wants to take the plunge into marriage. Starting with the first confession of affection, 'I love you', to the lifelong promise to love, respect, and cherish each other, “YOUCAT Love Forever” accompanies readers on their journey to marriage. Developed by a YOUCAT team of married couples, priests, and theologians, and with a foreword by Pope Francis, this book offers profound insights and practical guidance on the path to lasting love.

Książka przetestowana i oficjalnie zatwierdzona
- Based on 1,000 questions and suggestions from young people in over 30 countries around the world
- Featuring a youthful, attractive design
- Published by the Austrian Bishops' Conference
- Text subject to approval by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith