Obituary for Auxiliary Bishop Dr. Klaus Dick
Obituary for Auxiliary Bishop Dr. Klaus Dick
The Sacrament of Penance is the gift of the Risen Lord to his disciples
The YOUCAT Foundation mourns the loss of the Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Cologne, Dr. Klaus Dick, who passed away on 25 February, shortly before his 96th birthday.
Dr. Klaus Dick was one of the earliest supporters of YOUCAT. Before its first publication, the Auxiliary Bishop of Cologne assessed the Catholic Church’s first youth catechism and recommended it to Pope Benedict XVI for approval.
As a nationally known confessor and spiritual counsellor for countless believers, especially young Catholics, he also co-authored the book “YOUCAT Update! Confession!”, which has now been translated into 20 languages and has a worldwide circulation of 250,000 copies.
From 2012 to 2013, Dr. Dick also accompanied a YOUCAT group in Cologne, where he interpreted the Youth Catechism to young people and, as a bishop, personally took time to answer their questions about faith.
Auxiliary Bishop Dick was not only a favourite confessor and spiritual father for many individual young Catholics, but also an important supporter of the YOUCAT project, which makes the fullness of faith accessible to many believers worldwide.
Lord, grant him eternal rest!
Excerpt from the interview with Auxiliary Bishop Dr. Klaus Dick in “YOUCAT Update! Confession!”:
The sacrament of penance is the gift of the Risen Lord to his disciples
What happened on Easter Sunday when Jesus appeared to his disciples? He wished them peace, gave them the Holy Spirit and said something unbelievable, “Those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven”. The apostles conferred the “gift of the Risen Lord” to their followers, the bishops. This gift has been passed on in this way through the ordination of bishops from one generation to the next right up to the present time. The bishop confers this authority to his priests, and whenever a Christian receives the sacrament of penance through a priest or bishop, whether this be in New York or the Indonesian jungle, he receives this gift from Jesus.

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