Bonus Material
Social doctrine of the Catholic Church
Discovering faith is an exciting adventure. It’s best to go on this adventure with friends and study together in groups (“study groups”).
Session 1
A new lifestyle
Session 2
Make a new start by love
Session 3
Nobody is a copy - each person is an original being
Session 4
There is enough for all men
Session 5
The nucleus of a healthy society
Session 6
Nobody should say: I am not needed...
Session 7
An economy to serve men
Session 8
The state is there for the people, not the other way around
Session 9
The others mean richness and not threat
Session 10
Earth belongs to our children and grandchildren
Session 11
Whereby peace begins
Session 12
Perform deeds of charity
Session 13
I am able to do something you are not able to ...
Session 14
Whatever helps everyone, it helps you, too
Session 15
There are rights which are not subject to negotiation
Session 16
The earth is growing closer together
Session 17
If you have to flee because your homeland turns into hell...
Session 18
The power in good hands
Session 19
Beware of little wars, too
Session 20
Give them food
Session 21
Zero tolerance for corruption
Session 22
The world, our common house
Session 23
A man is a man from the very beginning
Session 24
Foundations of the state
Session 25
Life is too precious to make cynical experiments
Session 26
Children are divine love made visible (Novalis)
Session 27
God holds the poor dear
Session 28
Without handicap
Session 29
About men and women and how they are connected
Session 30
Earth belongs to God and to all his children
Session 31
The art of raising a family
Session 32
Help — and you will receive help
Session 33
Christian commitment in the mainstream of opinions
Session 34
The roots of all evil
Session 35
State and Church, a complicated marriage
Session 36
Silence the weapons

Social doctrine of the Catholic Church
DOCAT is an excellent source of information on social justice for young people, helping them to get to know and live the social doctrine of the Church. It is a solid practical successor to YOUCAT, the very popular youth catechism based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church.