Why abortion is not a solution
Every person is a unique being with an unrepeatable story. Human life is so valuable it simply must not be questioned or judged, not by anyone! Whether someone will come into this world is not for humans to decide – but only for God.
- As far as God is concerned, everyone is a „VIP“
- When does a human fetus become a human?
- Lending a voice to the voiceless
- Céline Dion owes her life to a priest
- You are not alone
As far as God is concerned, everyone is a „VIP“
In December 2012, Buckingham Palace announced that Duchess Kate was pregnant. This news sparked great interest and curiosity around the world. The media speculated about everything! Would the heir to the throne be called George, James, Alexander, or Arthur? As far as they were concerned the unborn embryo was already the future king!
In the same way, God regards every human being as a „VIP“. This already applies to the unborn child, which from a Christian-Catholic point of view has an inviolable dignity and should therefore be endowed with the same human rights as every person already born. Unfortunately, this conviction is no longer shared in many countries. Millions of children are aborted worldwide: Human lives sacrificed.
When does a human fetus become a human?
When a male sperm cell and a female egg cell unite, a new human being with a unique and complete genetic makeup is immediately created. This sparks a continuous development of a human person, a process ended only by death.
A human heart begins to beat between the 18th and 25th day of gestation. Around the 20th day, the foundations of the nervous system begin to form. About 22 days afterward, bones grow. At this point, the embryo already has working reflexes, and around the same time, brain activity can be measured. In the eighth week of pregnancy, the child’s brain and organs are formed. At this stage, the child already reacts to touch! In the ninth and tenth weeks, the baby shows complex behaviors such as blinking, swallowing, and forming a fist. In the 11th week, the child can suck its thumb and breathes amniotic fluid. Around the 12th week, all organs are functional.
The scientific facts show one thing very clearly: A human embryo is an independent human individual from the moment of conception. It is not just a part of the woman’s body. As such, it has a right to life and deserves to be protected.
Lending a voice to the voiceless
Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta defended the rights of the unborn relentlessly. At the award ceremony where she received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 in Oslo, Norway, she said (among other things): “For me, the nations that have legalized abortion are the poorest countries. They fear the little ones, they fear the unborn child… I ask you here in the name of the little ones: save the unborn child, recognize the presence of Jesus in him!”
In this appeal, Mother Teresa made it very clear that every abortion entails the killing of a new human being directly in the womb – the exact place that should be a safe haven for a child. From a moral, as well as a scientific, point of view, a human embryo is far more than just a clump of cells. From the first moment of its existence, it is an unrepeatable, precious being – created in God’s image, willed and loved by Him.
This is why the Church considers the right to life to be the most fundamental of all human rights. Abortion, which entails the death of an unborn human being, is a violation of this right. In our time, when many leading politicians and thinkers demand unrestricted legalization of abortion, it is the Church’s special responsibility to stand up for the weakest and most defenseless: To lend a voice to the voiceless.
Céline Dion owes her life to a priest
History knows of many courageous women who risked their lives to save their children (Chiara Corbella Petrillo). These mothers knew that a child is never a mistake, a problem, a burden, an accident, or a punishment. A child is a gift. Always and in every circumstance. God never makes a mistake when he calls a human being into existence.
With millions of albums sold, Céline Dion is one of the most successful singers of our time. But it almost didn’t happen. Her mother had already raised 13 children when she became pregnant with Céline. She was devastated and considered terminating the pregnancy. Many years later, Céline Dion recounted how her mother in her distress went to a Catholic priest: “He told her that she had no right to go against nature… So I have to admit that in a way I owe my life to that priest.” And in deep gratitude to her mother, Céline said: “Once she had overcome her disappointment that an abortion was out of the question, she loved me just as passionately as she had loved the last little ones.”
You are not alone
It’s understandable to feel distressed when faced with an unexpected pregnancy. The fears and worries that come with this challenge can be so overwhelming that abortion seems like the only way out.
“How do I tell the parents?”
“How will I manage financially?”
“What will happen to my education or job?”
It may feel as if the world is falling apart. And it’s precisely at moments like these that it’s important not to lose your head.
Remember that you are not alone. There is hope in every situation, however hopeless it may seem. God knows what you need. God became man, indeed he became a child, an embryo! The miracle of God’s incarnation shows that every person is of inestimable value from conception to natural death.
Look for a counseling center that can support you on your way, not only materially, but also emotionally and spiritually. Try turning to a priest you trust, or to your friends. You might be able to find solutions you might not see on your own.
Saying „yes“ to life means saying „yes“ to a future full of wonderful possibilities. Have the courage to say „yes“ to life!

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