Personal greetings from Larissa Piklor
Dear Bernhard, Thank you for everything you have done for us young people. I am happy to have known and met you personally. I'll always remember a beautiful sentence said by you at a YOUCAT Conference, and that is: "You have to read every sentence in the Bible having Jesus in mind. That is revelation." I greet you with love and be assured of my prayers. May God bless you and the Virgin Mary protect you!
Other Greetings
Lieber Bernhard, mit dem vergangenen Jahr geht eine mehr als eine Dekade währende, unglaublich schöne Zusammenarbeit zu Ende. Unser kreativer…
YOUCAT Illustrator
18. January 2024
Continue ReadingIch kenne kaum Menschen, die Weisheit und Demut, Schreibkunst und Ideenreichtum so zusammenbringen wie Du, lieber Bernhard. Am Meisten schätze…
YOUCAT Love Team
18. January 2024
Continue ReadingThank you Bernhard for being so courageous and helping so many young people like me. I cannot forget the YOUCAT ice-cream story and this photo…
18. January 2024
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