News YOUCAT Workshop for religious sisters in Tura, India


YOUCAT Workshop for religious sisters in Tura, India

In an inspiring workshop in the Diocese of Tura, sisters from different congregations gathered to deepen their knowledge of the faith and gather new ideas for catechesis. It was a wonderful opportunity for the sisters to learn from each other and to use their different resources for evangelisation. The YOUCAT Foundation supports this process by providing materials for the promotion of the faith.

mins read | 28. October 2024 | Stani Mičkovicová

Insights into Catechesis

For the first time, YOUCAT India organized a workshop under the motto “Abba Father” for the sisters of the Diocese of Tura. The workshop began with the screening of the moving film “The Shack”, which was a real highlight for the participants. The profound storyline prompted reflection and fruitful discussion among the audience.
During the workshop, the tools and formats used by YOUCAT India were presented in detail. The sisters had the opportunity to benefit from the valuable experiences of the YOUCAT India team. This led to the development of a comprehensive monthly study plan for the YOUCAT Confirmation Book and the YOUCAT Youth Catechism, which were collaboratively created by the sisters.

YOUCAT Confirmation Book in the "Garo" Dialect

The sisters shared their experiences and reported that the training had given them not only practical skills but also new insights into the methodology of catechesis.
A milestone was the publication of the YOUCAT Confirmation Book in the local Tura dialect, “Garo”. The translated book has the potential to become an important resource for catechesis in the region.

Gratitude and Hope from YOUCAT in Tura

In a particularly symbolic act, Bishop Jose Chirilankandathil and Bishop Andrew Marak, together with our YOUCAT formation leader, Fr. Sandeep Menezes, and members of the YOUCAT India team, planted a tree. This gesture was watered by a sister from each congregation, symbolising the promising beginning of YOUCAT in Tura.
The YOUCAT Foundation is grateful for the support and commitment of YOUCAT India and looks forward to continuing the journey of faith with the Sisters and the community of Tura.