Cumprimentos pessoais de NIL DIBRA

I never seen him but by Social Media I knew him for YOUCAT. What a blessing Movement for my life. I can just remember his message Nil Good Idea, Go ahead🥰. Thank you so much for your Wonderful Inspiration.

YOUCAT Bangladesh

Outros cumprimentos

Thank you Bernhard for your dedication to adapt the catechesis content to different books that have helped and still help millions of young…

Veronica Katz

YOUCAT Love Team

18. Janeiro 2024

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DANKE SEHR, lieber Bernhard, Vergelt’s Gott!! Du bist ein Geschenk für die Kirche und uns alle! Du hast ihr und uns so viel Wertvolles geschenkt…

Lucia und Hans-Peter Hauser

YOUCAT Love Team

18. Janeiro 2024

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Several associations immediately spring to mind when I think of Bernhard Meuser: Passionate about the Church; a big heart for Christ; the man...

Bischof Dr. Stefan Oster SDB

Bistum Passau, Germany

18. Janeiro 2024

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