News YOUCAT Confession – Your preparation for a life-changing encounter


YOUCAT Confession – Your preparation for a life-changing encounter

Confession? Seriously!? Many people are afraid of it – they find it too embarrassing, too difficult, too old-fashioned. Okay, it’s true. It takes a lot of courage to admit that you’ve messed up. And maybe even more to do so in front of a priest who you don’t even know. What’s the point of confession? How does it work? And is it worth it? Our booklet “YOUCAT Confession” answers these questions and shows you how to rediscover the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

mins read | 14. March 2025 | Stani Mičkovicová

Confession as a gift

Imagine this: You’re standing in front of the confessional. Your heart is pounding, and you’re wondering: “Do I really have to confess all my sins?”, “Will I find the right words?”, “What will the priest think when I tell him my sins?” Don’t worry – you’re not alone! Many people have the same thoughts, and that’s exactly why this book exists: YOUCAT Confession.
In the Catholic Church, we understand sin as a separation from God. But it’s not God who distances Himself from us when we sin – it’s sin that separates us from Him. God created us out of love and desires nothing more than for us to remain united with Him. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, He opens up the way back to Him. In confession, we can bring our guilt before God and receive His forgiveness through the priest. This is a true gift of love that God gives us!

Why Confession is so important

Think of confession like a regular software update. If you skip an important update, your whole system becomes vulnerable to viruses and crashes. In fact, sin is like a dangerous virus that sneaks into your system unnoticed and slowly corrupts it. If you don’t remove it in time, everything becomes unstable, and eventually, nothing works properly anymore.
Or think of confession as a refreshing shower. You know that feeling after a long, exhausting day – when you step under the hot water and feel all the dirt and fatigue wash away. It’s especially powerful when you’re really sweaty and dirty. The water cleanses everything and leaves you fresh and renewed -– like a new person. Every sin is like dirt that clings to your soul. The longer you wait, the harder it is to remove. It’s worth getting rid of all that burden and accepting this gift of forgiveness.

Confession Manual: The path to a good confession

Confession is much more than just a ritual. It is a Sacrament of healing and renewal. In YOUCAT Confession, you’ll find an Confession Manual with an IN-&-OUT list to help you reflect honestly and check your conscience (see pages 20-25).
But this list doesn’t just list sins. Under “IN,” you’ll find the truly important things: to love, to ardently seek the good, and to strive to do better instead of focusing too much on sins (“OUT”). You are meant to be a great lover of goodness, not just an obsessive sin-avoider.
And that brings us to the most important point: confession is not just an obligation –it is an opportunity for change, for a transformation of your heart. That’s why the foundation of this examination of conscience is LOVE. Whoever truly loves is already on the direct path to God, who is nothing but love.

Contrition. True contrition. Confession

Contrition is the first necessary step before you go to confession. You need to recognize that you have done wrong, that you have hurt or harmed others or yourself, that you have disrupted the divine order. In other words, it must truly sadden you.
You also need purpose of amendment for true contrition. This means: you really need to have the intention not to commit the sins that you confess to the priest. True conversion means consciously striving not to fall back into old mistakes. Confession is not a free pass to sin. It’s not, “I can sin then I can just go to confession again.” Remember what sin cost Jesus. He shed His blood so that we could be freed from sin.
However, not all sins are the same. YOUCAT Confession explains which sins separate you from God and how to distinguish between venial and mortal sins. And if you’re still unsure whether your sin was minor, serious, or grave… just go to confession and say: “I did this and that, and I am sorry.” And that settles it!

Have courage!

You might be thinking now: “I’ll never be able to do this!” And you’re right. You won’t be able to do it alone. But God is greater than your weakness. You can trust that through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, you will gradually become stronger and more resistant to sin. Through confession, you receive supernatural strength for good – we call it grace.
It is grace that will transform you little by little until you become the person who God has intended you to be from all eternity. Because that is your calling: to reflect the beauty of God. Have courage and take the step toward a new beginning! Confession is far more beautiful than you think!

Discover more

🔗 Are you curious and want to learn more about confession? Discover the book “YOUCAT Confession!”.
🔍 CREDOPEDIA: Not all sins are the same
🔍 CREDOPEDIA: The Sacrament of Reconciliation
🔍 Examination of Conscience to Download