Salutations personnelles de Gabriela Ortega

Muchas Gracias por todo lo que nos ha dado, Dios lo siga llenando de Bendiciones!!

Gabriela Ortega

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A clever, creative thinker, educated theologian, networker, passionate fisher of men and – likely more important than ever today – a "courageous"…

Martin Rothweiler

Programmdirektor EWTN.TV

18. janvier 2024

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Thank you Bernhard for being so courageous and helping so many young people like me. I cannot forget the YOUCAT ice-cream story and this photo…

Maria Francis


18. janvier 2024

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What comes after Bernhard Meuser? It's hard to imagine YOUCAT without him, because nobody shaped the YOUCAT Foundation as much as he did. Since…

Rafael D'Aqui

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18. janvier 2024

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