Persönlicher Gruß von Roger

Dear Bernhard, Peace be with you! Congratulations and thank you for being docile to the Holy Spirit and founding YOUCAT Organisation and spearheading the works in it. I have learn't a lot through YOUCAT and DOCAT book and that learning and the books have added much value to my work of evangelisation in UAE and India. My gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to the work for the book of the Sacrament of Matrimony, as well as being featured in the YOUCAT APP on August 4, 2022. God bless you in all your future endeavours and may you one day receive your eternal reward. Love & Prayers, Roger FOUNDER OF WORD IGNITE CATHOLIC LAY APOSTOLATE, INDIA


Weitere Grüße

Lieber Bernhard, mit dem vergangenen Jahr geht eine mehr als eine Dekade währende, unglaublich schöne Zusammenarbeit zu Ende. Unser kreativer…

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YOUCAT Illustrator

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Thank you Bernhard for being so courageous and helping so many young people like me. I cannot forget the YOUCAT ice-cream story and this photo…

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Bistum Passau, Germany

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