Cumprimentos pessoais de Rafael D'Aqui
What comes after Bernhard Meuser? It's hard to imagine YOUCAT without him, because nobody shaped the YOUCAT Foundation as much as he did. Since my first day as Director of the YOUCAT Foundation, Bernhard has repeatedly demonstrated: God thinks big of us, his children. Therefore, we don't have to hide and can boldly move forward with God's promise behind us, even in troubled times. Dear Bernhard, enjoy your retirement! Enjoy your family! God has done great things for you! Thank you!
Was kommt, wenn Bernhard Meuser geht? YOUCAT ohne Bernhard ist schwer vorstellbar, denn niemand hat die YOUCAT Foundation so sehr geprägt, wie er. In der Zeit, in der ich nun beim YOUCAT als Direktorin tätig bin, hat Bernhard immer wieder bewiesen: Gott denkt groß vom Menschen und wir müssen uns nicht verstecken, sondern können mit Gottes Zusage im Rücken auch in unruhigen Zeiten mutig vorangehen. Lieber Bernhard, genieße Deinen Ruhestand! Genieße Deine Familie! Gott hat großes an Dir getan! Danke!
Outros cumprimentos
Thank you Bernhard for your dedication to adapt the catechesis content to different books that have helped and still help millions of young…
YOUCAT Love Team
18. Janeiro 2024
Continuar a lerSeveral associations immediately spring to mind when I think of Bernhard Meuser: Passionate about the Church; a big heart for Christ; the man...
Bistum Passau, Germany
18. Janeiro 2024
Continuar a lerA clever, creative thinker, educated theologian, networker, passionate fisher of men and – likely more important than ever today – a "courageous"…
Programmdirektor EWTN.TV
18. Janeiro 2024
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