Credopedia Reincarnation or salvation through Christ?


Reincarnation or salvation through Christ?

James asks: Is reincarnation real?

While Hinduism, Buddhism, and some esoteric movements view reincarnation as the path to self-redemption, Christianity focuses on salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, reincarnation teachings and esotericism are becoming increasingly attractive even among Christians worldwide. Why is that? Jesus said quite clearly: “I am the way and the truth and the life.” (John 14:6) But do we really believe Him?

minutos de leitura | Stani Mičkovicová

Reincarnation and karma: different spiritual concepts

The doctrine of reincarnation is not a uniform concept. It contains a variety of teachings that can differ in their form and interpretation. In Buddhism, for example, reincarnation is the path to attaining Nirvana, a state of complete stillness and passivity. Other esoteric movements view reincarnation as a dynamic process of continuous spiritual development. They do not view rebirth as a path to dissolution in Nirvana but as an opportunity to learn new lessons in each life and to promote spiritual growth.

According to the idea of reincarnation, man becomes his own “savior”, so to speak, purifying himself through various rebirths until he reaches the state of “perfection”.

Most traditional reincarnation teachings incorporate the concept of karma. According to this, people are born with karma – the consequences of their thoughts and actions from previous lives. They have to reduce bad karma in their life to achieve salvation.

The Christian faith, on the other hand, does not recognize karma. According to Christianity, people cannot redeem themselves. However, they can allow themselves to be redeemed by Jesus Christ.

There is (no) rebirth for Christians

The central message of Christianity is that man is redeemed solely through the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Salvation is therefore a grace, an undeserved gift from God to man. No one can attain salvation through their own efforts or earn it by accumulating good karma.

In fact, the concept of karma completely contradicts the Catholic belief in grace and the forgiveness of sins. These are the tools with which God enables people to start over fresh here on earth and, in this sense, experience a “rebirth” or “new birth”. (cf. John 3:3)

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches: “Death is the end of man’s earthly pilgrimage, of the time of grace and mercy which God offers him so as to work out his earthly life in keeping with the divine plan, and to decide his ultimate destiny. When “the single course of our earthly life” (LG 48 §3) is completed, we shall not return to other earthly lives: “It is appointed for men to die once.” (2 Heb 9:27) There is no “reincarnation” after death.” (CCC 1013)

God became man so that man could be deified

Created in the image of God, every human being holds a specific role in creation. This role is unique, unrepeatable, and non-transferable. Even after death, people cannot discard or exchange it. There is no returning to a physical form or an additional temporal life. Every person has only one life to prepare for eternity. This uniqueness calls on people to value life – their own and that of others.

The incomparable value of human life becomes particularly visible in Jesus Christ, God incarnate. Jesus lived through all phases of human existence, from conception to death. That God became human shows how sublime the calling of every human is. Man’s destiny is to become holy, even deified. “Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed”, writes the evangelist John. “We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” (1 John 3:2)

Heaven begins on earth

In heaven, we will find the absolute fulfillment every person desires, consciously or unconsciously. We will see God – love – as he truly is. This last recognition and revelation means everlasting happiness for us. And it will never end! “Our citizenship is in heaven”, declares the apostle Paul, “and from it we also await a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body … ” (Phil 3:20)

You do not need to travel to distant lands to find God. As a Christian, you can rediscover your faith, deepen it, and live it consciously every day. “I am the way, and the truth, and the life”, says Christ. (cf. John 14:6) He wants to be your way, your truth, your life, too!

Present in the sacraments, Jesus is with you, strengthening and accompanying you on your spiritual journey. He is so close to you that He becomes one flesh with you when you receive Him in the Holy Eucharist. He is your source of strength! You do not need to look for it elsewhere. Turn your gaze up to the cross where your Savior died for you. Accept His grace: And heaven will begin for you here on earth!

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